About Us

Richmondshire PCN includes the following GP practices:

· Catterick Village Surgery

· Central Dales Practice

· Doctors Lane Surgery

· The Friary Surgery

· Harewood Medical Practice

· Leyburn Medical Practice

· Quakers Lane Surgery

· Scorton Medical Practice

Interactive Map

We work together to make people feel more connected within our communities.

We’re breaking down barriers in communication and have realised we can do more for patients when we work as one team.

We deliver seamless services with compassion and a friendly and positive attitude. We design patient-centred ways of working collaboratively, that are responsive and flexible.

Together our practices serve a patient population of almost 54,000 with an efficient use of scarce resources.

Our Vision 

“To provide positive patient experiences and resilient healthcare in Richmondshire”

Our Mission 

“We work together for excellence in delivering high quality care”

Our Values





Patient Focused