Community Connectors
Community Connectors help friends, family, colleagues and neighbours find support in their communities. They do this by signposting people to support services in areas such as health, housing, education, exercise and debt.
Community Connectors are members of the community who know what services, organisations and groups are out there in their own community. They are very involved in their local community and provide a bridge between local people and the services they need, and help to build community knowledge.
The more people there are out there that know what support is available, the more we can help each other as a community.
So, what does it involve and who can be a Community Connector?
Anyone and everyone can be a Community Connector – police, taxi drivers, hairdressers, students, doctors, café staff, supermarket staff, parents, grandparents, homeless people, job centre staff… anyone can signpost.
It takes just one hour of training.
We think of our Community Connectors not as volunteers, but as active citizens.
What is signposting?
What it is not:
- It is not about adding another job to your already busy day
- It is not about becoming a volunteer or taking a practical role
- It is not about you becoming a specialist in a certain lifestyle area
- It is not about you becoming a counsellor or providing ongoing support to particular individuals
- It is not about you telling someone what to do or how to live their life
What it is:
- It is about letting people know about the support and help that is out there in the community
- It is about showing people how to access help and support. The might be from the website directory, phone hub or from a physical place, e.g. Talking café / Talking benches
Who can signpost?
Anyone and everyone can signpost
Why signpost?
- There is a huge amount of information and support available in Richmondshire, but many people are unaware of it
- Often the best people to pass on information are those we know and trust
- Signposting enables people to get information early and empowers people with knowledge to prevent escalation of a situation
- It is good to be able to help others