Our Team


Dr Chris Webb (m) MB ChB DRCOG DFFP MRCGP (1993) Leeds

Dr Rebecca Crowther (f) MBBS MRCGP (2006) Newcastle

Dr Laura Neville

Dr Harriet Protheroe

Practice Staff

Practice Manager

Miss Lyn Akers

Office Manager

Mr Cameron Crowther

Receptionists and Administration

Mrs Carol Gough
Ms Angela Herring
Ms Sue Hayes
Miss Katie Herring
Mrs Sharon Kelly
Mrs Amanda Howe
Miss Anya Hockey


Mr Craig Jones

Other Practice Team Members

Practice Pharmacist

Mr Shaun Hockey B Pharm (Hons.) MRPharmS

Practice Nurses

Ms Carol Wade

Health Care Assistants

Mrs Janet Ilsley Ms Sue Hayes The Practice Nurses will see you by appointment at Catterick Village Health Centre and Colburn Surgery during surgery times. They can help and advise on:

Immunisations and vaccinations

Family planning

Breast self-examination

Cervical smear tests

Removal of sutures

Wound dressings

Other referrals are made by your doctor.

Health Visitors

Health Visitors are all qualified nurses, who are trained to advise on all matters relating to health and development, especially in the care of families and young people. They can be contacted by ringing 01609 797582 between 9.00 – 10.00am, Monday to Friday. Other health professionals who are available to our patients include: 2 District Nurses 1 Chiropodist 1 Community Psychiatric Nurse 3 Community Midwives 1 Physiotherapist 2 Health Care Assistants